When it is time to start your journey to better Golf


Complete Game Evaluations

A full x-ray of your golf game. The majority of the time will be spent measuring your physical make up, testing your golf skills, and evaluating how you perform on the golf course. A comprehensive plan can then be properly implemented with this level of evaluation.

The Professional Practice Experience

Practice time is precious you might as well spend it with your coach.  Work on every aspect of your game during this half day program.  Discover what it is like to focus on quality practice not just quantity of swings. 

Your Swing Fingerprint

This physical screen will let you know how you are designed to swing and why you may do the things that you revert too while playing golf. Many of the things we think are wrong are only our bodies telling us “this is who your are”.

Statistical Score Tracking

Sign up for ShotByShot, a game tracking app that will help tailor your practice most effectively. I have partnered with Peter Sanders, an early pioneer of “strokes gained”, to offer this service at a discount.

WrightBalance Fittings

Dr. David Wright has developed a proprietary system for measuring your optimal stance width for playing golf. Find out how far apart your feet need to be in order to stay balanced and powerful.

Lessons by the Hour / Half Hour

The traditional instruction format familiar to most. A first time student would need at least one hour of time to properly evaluate your needs. Half hour session are reserved for regular students that need reminders or quick course corrections.